UX for Enterprise Applications

Enterprise UX design is all about empowering people at work to execute their duties delightfully & seamlessly, thereby enabling businesses to run the way they’re truly supposed to.

We’re here to help you do just that.

Enterprise UX challenges are unique

Undefined user goals, nonlinear workflows, unregulated data, the ad hoc functionality – just to name a few. Additionally, enterprise applications are also used to conduct tasks that are high-impact with massive stakes in terms of human lives, environment, revenues, federal decision making, and more.

An enterprise product has to be designed for repetitive use by SMEs, prioritizing their requirements, with an architecture that helps them seamlessly achieve their goals.

As Enterprise UX Specialists,
our solutions are unique

We helped a North American telecom company to scale up its legacy sales portal and refine it to sustain the proposed market expansion.

Helping Telecos Scale Operations Through UX Design

Process applied

  • One-on-one interviews with stakeholders to understand the process and observe product usage
  • Cross-functional workshops to help stakeholders expand their perspective
  • Outlined product- and workflow-specific challenges faced by users in the system through journey mapping

Results gained

  • Identifying the root cause of inaccuracies and loopholes in the data through in-depth analysis
  • Increased efficiency end-to-end in cross-departmental journeys
  • Workflow refinement that seamlessly matched the needs of over 15 user groups
  • Improvement in decision making through intelligent assistance tools

An increase in individual user’s
productivity by 18%.

See how we’ve helped transform other B2B products into
thoughtful and delightful experiences that users truly love.

What happens when you have millions of patients and thousands of their complicated insurance bills to collate?

Complete chaos with payment collection. But here’s how we used the MVP method to create an intuitive Payment Management and Gateway solution.

User research and journey mapping are what helped in discovering the misaligned workflows within doctor-patient interactions.

We created a real-time responsive EHR that would display contextual information to aid providers with diagnosis and decision-making while paying attention to the patient.

What we can
help you with

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    Infuse efficiency and user delight into legacy systems
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    Gain remarkable insights into user needs
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    Dominate your market segment via a customer-first approach
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    Identify systemic design debt and strategies to overcome it

Our Clients Say

Let’s bring user delight, effectiveness, and consistency to your enterprise application

Please share a few quick details for us to understand your company’s
requirements and we will get in touch with you shortly

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